Solubilitate in apa. O trasatura caracteristica este ca aceste culori sunt solubile in apa, ceea ce ajuta la evitarea necesitatii diluarii cu solventi utilizati in mod traditional in pictura in ulei (terebentina, ulei de terebentina etc.) si care pot provoca adesea alergii sau iritatii ale pielii. Cand utilizati aceste culori, este suficient sa spalati uneltele de lucru cu apa cu sapun. Utilizarea apei ca solvent elimina si problema mirosurilor neplacute, care este foarte semnificativa atunci cand se lucreaza in incaperi inchise si slab ventilate. Un alt avantaj incontestabil este costul scazut si disponibilitatea "solventului" - trebuie doar sa deschideti dopul si sa le folositi.
Consistenta si proprietatile tipice ale culorilor de ulei. Desi aceste culori sunt solubile in apa, sunt veritabile ,,culori de ulei", adica sunt formate in principal din uleiuri vegetale care le determina proprietatile fizice si cromatice:
- textura groasa si lipicioasa care arata perfect miscarile de pensula sau spatula;
- culori intense, aproape toate opace, rezistente la lumina;
- aderenta excelenta pe toate suprafetele;
- flexibilitatea si ireversibilitatea stratului de culoare dupa uscarea completa;
- fara contractie volumetrica chiar daca sunt aplicate straturi groase.
Procesul de uscare al acestor culori, ca si in cazul celor traditionale de ulei, are loc prin oxidarea anumitor legaturi din lanturile moleculare. Aceste lanturi liniare se leaga lent impreuna prin oxigenul absorbit pentru a forma o structura tridimensionala si, prin urmare, solida, cu putere mare de reflexie a luminii, dand astfel aspectul de culoare stralucitor si intens tipic pentru vopselele in ulei. Este important ca, chiar daca culorile par ,,uscate" la atingere dupa un timp, care poate varia de la 1 la 6 zile in functie de grosimea vopselei si de suprafata, ar trebui sa asteptati una sau doua luni inainte de orice lacuire finala.
Compatibilitate cu alti aditivi. Culorile si aditivii pentru pictura artistica disponibili pe piata pot fi impartiti in doua categorii: ulei (lipofile) si apa (hidrofile), ambele incompatibile.
O caracteristica inovatoare a noilor culori este compatibilitatea lor cu ambele categorii: ulei si apa si cu aditivi aferenti. Aceasta proprietate ofera artistilor oportunitati uriase de exprimare artistica, posibilitatea de a obtine efecte anterior de neatins si utilizarea unor materiale de arta de alta natura. Exemplele prezentate aici reprezinta doar cateva dintre posibilele utilizari ale noilor culori hidrosolubile si exista multe altele pe care artistii le pot descoperi si experimenta.
Compatibilitate cu culori de ulei si aditivi pentru culori de ulei. Culorile HYDR-OIL pot fi perfect amestecate cu toate culorile de ulei si aditivii dedicati acestora (ulei de in, terebentina etc.) in orice proportie, retinand ca daca raportul depaseste 30% solubilitatea in apa se va pierde.
Compatibilitate cu culori acrilice si aditivi dedicati. Spre deosebire de culorile traditionale in ulei, HYDR-OIL pot fi amestecate cu culorile acrilice in orice proportie oferind unele avantaje de aplicare: incetinesc timpul de uscare a vopselelor acrilice, imbunatatind astfel aderenta, datorita careia culorile sunt mai ,,grase"; consistenta si vascozitatea lor mai buna fac ca prelucrarea vopselei sa fie mai eficienta; stratul final este mai flexibil si ,,plin". Cu toate acestea, este recomandabil sa diluati culorile cu putina apa inainte de a le amesteca cu acrilice pentru a evita acumularea excesiva a vascozitatii.
Compatibilitate cu tempera. Atat in prezent, cat si in trecut, unii artisti au incercat sa obtina culori cu opacitate tempera si opacitate combinate cu alte caracteristici tipice culorilor de ulei. Asa-numitele ,,tempere grase" au fost testate de multi artisti, mai mult sau mai putin cu succes. Amestecarea vopselelor HYDR-OIL in orice proportie cu tempera da posibilitatea de a obtine rezultate bune. De fapt, atunci cand se utilizeaza cele mai populare tempere ,,slabe", flexibilitatea si aderenta la suprafetele solicitante sunt imbunatatite semnificativ, lasand in acelasi timp caracteristicile de opacitate si ,,planeitate" ale stratului de culoare aproape neschimbate.
Aditivi. Dupa cum s-a mentionat, inclusiv culorile HYDR-OIL solubile in apa pot fi amestecate, cu toate au fost dezvoltate pe baza de ulei conventional pentru a elimina mediile, astfel incat, efect. Cu toate acestea, atunci cand sunt adaugate in cantitati mari, vor reduce sau elimina proprietatea de solubilitate in apa. . Din acest motiv, au fost dezvoltati aditivi speciali, inclusiv cei solubili in apa, pentru a elimina un astfel de efect.
Ulei de in solubil in apa. Acesta este ulei vegetal modificat obtinut din semintele de in presate la rece. Cand sunt adaugate la vopsele, le face mai fluide, fara a le face ,,mai subtiri" si a le oferi stralucire. Disponibil in categoria "Auxiliare pentru pictura"
Water solubility. A characteristic feature is that these paints are water-soluble, which helps to avoid the need to dilute with solvents traditionally used in oil painting (turpentine, turpentine oil, etc.) and which may often cause allergies or skin irritation. When using these paints, it is enough to wash the working tools with soapy water. The use of water as a solvent also eliminates the problem of unpleasant odors, which is very significant when working in closed and poorly ventilated rooms. Another undeniable advantage is the low cost and the availability of "solvent" - just open the tap.
Consistency and typical properties of oil paints. Although these colors are water-soluble, they are genuine "oil paints", that is, they consist mainly of vegetable oils which determine their physical and chromatic properties: thick and sticky texture that shows the brush strokes or spatula perfectly; intense colors, almost all opaque, lightfast; excellent adhesion on all surfaces, even on he "greasy" ones; the flexibility and irreversibility of the color coating after complete drying; no volumetric shrinkage even if thick layers applied. The drying process of these paints, as in the case of traditional oil paints, occurs through the oxidation of certain bonds in molecular chains. These linear chains slowly bind together through the absorbed oxygen to form a three-dimensional, and therefore solid, structure with high light reflection power, thus giving the bright and intense color appearance typical for oil paints. It is important that even if the colors seem "dry" to the touch after some time, which may vary from 1 to 6 days depending on the paint thickness and surface, you should wait one or two months before any final varnishing.
Compatibility with other additives. The paints and additives for artistic painting available on the market can be divided into two categories: oil (lipophilic) and water (hydrophilic), both incompatible.
An innovative feature of the new paints is their compatibility with both categories: oil and water, and with related additives. This property gives artists huge opportunities of artistic expression, the possibility of obtaining previously unattainable effects and the use of art materials of a different nature. The examples shown here represent only some of the possible uses for the new paints, and there are many more that artists can discover and experiment with.
Compatibility with oil paints and additives for oil paints. Hydro-oil paints can be perfectly mixed with all oil paints and additives dedicated to them (linseed oil, turpentine, etc.) in any proportions, remembering that if the ratio exceeds 30% the water solubility will be lost.
Compatibility with acrylic paints and dedicated additives. Unlike traditional oil paints, these paints can be mixed with acrylic paints in any proportions giving some application advantages: they slow down the drying time of acrylic paints, thus improving adhesion, thanks to which the colors are more "greasy"; their better consistency and viscosity make the paint processing more effective; the final layer is more flexible and "full". However, it is advisable to dilute the colors with some water before mixing them with acrylics to avoid excessive build-up of viscosity.
Compatibility with tempera. Both today and in the past, some artists have tried to obtain paints with tempera opacity and dullness combined with other typical features of oil paints. The so-called "fat temperas" have been tested by many artists, more or less successfully. Mixing hydro-oil paints in any proportions with tempera gives the possibility of obtaining good results. In fact, when using the most popular "lean" temperas , the flexibility and adhesion to the demanding surfaces is significantly improved while leaving the opacity and "flatness" features of the paint coating almost unchanged.
Additives. As mentioned also including HYDR-OIL water-soluble can be mixed ones, with have all been conventional developed oil-based to eliminate media, such which, effect.however, when added in large amounts, will reduce or eliminate the property of water solubility. For this reason, special additives, also including water-soluble ones, have been developed to eliminate such effect.
Water-soluble linseed oil. This is modified vegetable oil obtained from the cold pressed flax seeds. When added to paints, it makes them more fluid without making them "thinner" and giving them a shine.
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